Thursday, February 5, 2009

Internet as a third place....

I dont think there is really a right answer yes or no answer. the internet is what you make of it. If someone decides to go on the internet to better network with others and build social capital then that's great. Reconnecting with some old college/high school buddies would prolly be a great way to get a job or help others out and get them jobs. But If a crazy stalker decides to try and be friends with kids in middle school then obviously that completely illegitimates any notion of internet being a third place. Furthermore; we must also take into consideration the amount of time that could be safely devoted to the internet as a third place since WoW addicts would argue that spending 10 hrs a day on azeroth is 10 hours well spent making social networks. But i feel that at a certain point, (maybe the 8hours/day mark) is when the third place becomes your first place (home).

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