I had a hard time coming up with ideas for this blog post. I did some searching and was lost. My cousin came to visit me this weekend, and after a car ride, I knew I had a topic. I think we are all guilty of this at sometime in our lives, including me. But it never occured to me, until I rode with somebody. Texting while driving is dangerous. I couldn't believe how close we came to numerous accidents, running a few red lights, and swerving on the road. And everybody does it at sometime.
The article I found is a couple of years old, but the basic principle is still there. Texting while driving is dangerous. And to fit it into an inequity, I think it goes with health and lifestyle. Your health is affected if you do get into an accident and your lifestyle is in "danger" with people like this on the road. Text messaging is the start though. Now its Blackberry's and the email, web and GPS devices now all playing a role at distracting the driver. And people thought radio and cd's were bad. Its not just young people either contributing to the problem. A quote from my article, "...53-year-old male driver checking his e-mail caused a five-car pileup on Interstate 5 outside Seattle..." Literally, young and old are prone to these hand held devices. It even has its own acronym of - DWT - Driving While Texting. Washington State is the first in the nation to actually have a ticket for it. A $101 fine is expensive price for a little text message. That brings up all sorts of questions, how will they inforce this? Because its a inequity of the cell phone users' lifestyle. Its very interesting to think about, since the size of the problem is enormous.
The article I found is a couple of years old, but the basic principle is still there. Texting while driving is dangerous. And to fit it into an inequity, I think it goes with health and lifestyle. Your health is affected if you do get into an accident and your lifestyle is in "danger" with people like this on the road. Text messaging is the start though. Now its Blackberry's and the email, web and GPS devices now all playing a role at distracting the driver. And people thought radio and cd's were bad. Its not just young people either contributing to the problem. A quote from my article, "...53-year-old male driver checking his e-mail caused a five-car pileup on Interstate 5 outside Seattle..." Literally, young and old are prone to these hand held devices. It even has its own acronym of - DWT - Driving While Texting. Washington State is the first in the nation to actually have a ticket for it. A $101 fine is expensive price for a little text message. That brings up all sorts of questions, how will they inforce this? Because its a inequity of the cell phone users' lifestyle. Its very interesting to think about, since the size of the problem is enormous.
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