"Legacy" was a movie that focused on the basic survival of a family and overcoming adversity. The Sandvig article focused on internet access and use among children. The family in "Legacy" was definitely among the "have-nots" on the other side of the digital divide. Buying a computer or having internet access and a decent bandwidth was the least of their concerns. However, I think the family in "Legacy" would contradict the findings of the Sandvig article. Sandvig suggested that children in the inner city mostly used the internet for gaming. From "Legacy" I got the impression that Nicole did not have much access to computers or time to use them for gaming. She worked in a community center where she may have had access to a computer, had a secondary job framing woodwork, school, and a tough family life. I highly doubt that when she was using a computer she was "gaming". She was highly focused on her studies and probably did not primarily use the computer for gaming or communicating with individuals as Sandvig's article set forth.
I found it interesting to take the movie and the article that are so different and try to find ways to compare and contrast their differences. In this context Sanvig's emphasis on protecting children from pornographic material and researching what children did online was in my opinion a miniscule problem/study compared to the family within "Legacy". I think it helps portray how bad being on the other side of the digital divide can be and how hard it can be to cross over in an extreme situation. Even Nicole's mother attempted to amp up her computer skills but couldn't because of not having childcare. Without a computer at home, it made it more of a struggle to improve her skills. Daycare is a basic need and without covering the basic needs she couldn't even begin to think about her technological needs or uses.
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