Saturday, January 31, 2009

A different kind of third place?

This may be kind of out there, and it really may make no sense at all, but can a single person be a third-place to another person in a sort of abstract way?? From my own experience, when I feel like I need to escape from the demands of life/school, I don't necessarily "go" anywhere...but I do go to a person. When I am with this person I feel like I am on neutral ground (i'm not being judged), I can talk to this person about my problems/feelings (conversation is the main act), they are always there when I need them (accessibility and accommodation), they are low profile, we are always the two "regulars", the mood can be playful (especially if they are trying to cheer me up!), and they definitely feel like a home away from home (I am always comfortable with them). I would much rather be with this person than alone somewhere else. Also, this person is increasing my social capital. I am bonding with this person, and am open to the connections that they have with other individuals and vice versa. So....does this make any sense or no???


Brian K. said...

That makes sense to me. My only question is can a one-on-one relationship be a leveler?

Coral said...

I think that that makes perfect sense. I feel the same way. When I want to get away from things, I go and talk to certain people because they're either interesting, or entertaining, or will just let me talk, or whatever.

To answer Brian's question, I think that a one-on-one relationship can be a leveler in a different kind of way. I think that it can be a leveler in the sense that it doesn't really matter what your socioeconomic class, your race, your background, your education, what have you, really matters. I mean, depending on who you're talking to, these things may still come into play, especially if they're lending to how you got into the situation. But I think when you're talking on a deep level with one other person and you both accept each others' differences, I think it is a sort of a leveler.

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