Friday, January 30, 2009

Hi There!

Hi, I'm Nick Wirsbinski. I am currently a junior majoring in Biology from the little town of Mosinee, WI. In my free time I enjoy hunting, playing video games, traveling and hanging out with friends. I live out in the country on a mini farm. My parents are rather crazy. We have 3 horses, a donkey, chickens, 3 cats, 2 dogs and honey bees. Couple of lamas are being added to the list this summer. Being from a small town, I am naturally shy. I'm not a huge fan of public speaking and sharing my opinions. Hopefully as this class goes on, I'll won't be as shy. I do think this class will be very interesting with so many different personalities. I'm looking foward to learn about something, that I don't know much about.

1 comment:

eemartin2 said...

Hi! I love chickens! And I've never met anyone who owns a donkey, so that's pretty cool! I can definitely appreciate being naturally shy. -Emily

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